Executive Coaching: Empowering the Reluctant Leader

executive coaching

“We were surprised, shocked really, to discover the type of leadership required for turning a good company into a great one…Self-effacing, quiet, reserved, even shy – these leaders are a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.”
Jim Collins, from his bestselling book “Good to Great

Sometimes the best leaders are the ones who are reluctant to step into the limelight. In fact, at times, it’s hard to convince them to step into a leadership role. They are fully capable leaders. They are highly respected by their peers and subordinates. However, it may be difficult for them to see the potential in themselves that everyone around them easily recognizes.

It’s easy to identify a reluctant leader. They are the first to give credit and the last to accept praise. They always put the good of the team ahead of their person goals. A reluctant leader isn’t looking for personal gain or glory. This genuine humility is one reason they often have the greatest potential to be successful leaders.

Reluctant leaders can benefit greatly from executive coaching. When these leaders have someone speaking into their life and calling out their potential, they become more confident in their role as a leader. While their skills may be very apparent to those around them, they need to realize and understand those skills in order to effectively lead.

Executive coaching can be the key that helps unlock their talents. As confidence in their own leadership skills increase, the team following them will feel more empowered. A reluctant leader naturally focuses on the team, and this focus allows them to easily recognize the strengths within their team. A good leader is passionate about developing others and recognizing the talents of others.

Please contact us for your professional leadership training needs.


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