Basic Principles of Church Leadership Training

church leadership training

Church leadership training differs from other forms of leadership training in that there should be an emphasis on training leaders to be servants. In contrast, most business models are led from the top down. The concept of leading as a servant is Christ-centered and could be thought of as leading from the bottom up.

Qualifications of a Church Leader

The Apostle Paul listed several qualifications in the 3rd chapter of 1st Timothy. Such things as being above reproach, exhibiting self-control, possessing a calm and gentle manner, able to resolve conflict, able to teach, stays away from foolish arguments, and understands the value of the family. Church leaders should be humble, seeking the good of others in the church. Church leaders love God and love those they serve. They are ever mindful of the example of Christ getting a basin of water, a towel, and proceeding to wash his disciples feet. Those in leadership seek to do for others as they would have others do for them. In the example of Christ, Jesus is seeking to teach his disciples to do for each other as he has done for them.

Characteristics of Church Leadership

The dynamic of church leadership can be challenging because it is based on meeting the ever changing needs of many different types of people. Therefore, in order to meet those needs, the Church must have a wide range of competent and trained leaders able to administer the scope and breadth of leadership. Church leadership begins with the pastoral staff who must lead with vision. It is written: “without a vision, the people perish,” (Proverbs 29:18). Most, if not all churches will need leaders to reach out to shut-in’s, seniors, singles, youth, and marriage and family groups. Most of these leaders will be volunteers from the congregation.

Ways To Implement Church Leadership Training

  • Consider using a co-op model for pastoral leadership. Instead of having a Senior and Associate Pastors, use the title Senior Pastor or simply, Pastor for all pastors on staff. Hi, my name is John and I’m one of the pastors here on staff.
  • Search for ways to clarify the language of the Church and of the Bible. Instead of sanctification or redemption, try to use illustrations that describe Biblical concepts. People don’t want to think they need a doctoral education in theology before walking through the doors of your church.
  • Create camaraderie with a weekend retreat.
  • Utilize an online prescence. Broadcast services, studies, and teaching through the use of television, radio, internet, podcasts, and mobile apps.

Contact us today for more details on how we can assist you with training leaders in your church.


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