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Divine Guidance


The plan of God can seem like a maze at times. Where to turn? What to do? Who to date or marry? Sometimes there are so many options, we can enter “decision paralysis” that leads to procrastination. We can be caught like a “deer in the headlights,” frozen in indecision.

As we fellowship in the person of Christ, He will commission us. We begin to discover results are not the most important thing, but what happens within us! Our mission becomes more than just an event; it becomes an encounter with God. As we are conformed to His image, the reality of God is expressed. We often limit God to task orientation when God wants to lead us into His reality.

As we learn to quiet ourselves and fellowship in the Spirit, awareness of the burdens of others will come into focus. What touches the heart of God will touch our hearts and His ministry and direction will be made known. The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint; be fruitful where you are and—in God’s season—He will move you.

Rest and enjoy Him in this moment and don’t be anxious about the next step; He is preparing you for it now.

We are More Than Opportunists

An opportunist who leverages people and situations to find the best option may consider the pros and the cons to their decision. Realism and optimism often interpret the options at hand, but deductive reasoning and rationale are not enough; busyness can drive us and sometimes the next step is unclear. It is easy to second-guess our direction, but to be led by God is our heart’s desire.

In Romans 8:14, to go beyond feelings and validations of others into the faith realm—this is what we want! Instead of looking for the best option to benefit ourselves, we seek Him for His purpose to be fulfilled. Learning His purpose defines our purpose. As we look to Jesus, we hear His still, small voice of Isaiah 30:21: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'”

In honoring Jesus and giving Him glory, this is true success. Success can be defined as finding the will of God—and doing it.

We are More Than Dreamers

The imagination is very powerful. The fantastic and unrealistic are both found here. Without a dream, we can limit our reality to our own limited resources. Divine direction starts with a faith dream. Joseph’s brothers mocked Joseph by calling him a “dreamer”. Joseph heard from God and was walking in the reality of the promise before it happened. He spoke and made decisions based on that promise. Joseph brothers were jealous because they were comparing themselves with their brother rather than seeking God for their own heart vision.

Moses sought the Lord and recognized where God’s presence was, that was where he was going to be. Exodus 33:15-18: “Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?’ And the Lord said to Moses, ‘I will do the very thing you have asked because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.’ Then Moses said, ‘Now show me your glory.'” Discern where God’s presence is, abide there, and He will lead you through the obstacle course of life. He will lead you faithfully as we steadfastly seek him.

So much meaning can be found in what we are doing. The world often defines a man by what he does. Man can re-invent himself to achieve his dream. In the kingdom of God, we are called “unto” Christ before called “out” into ministry. To be called “unto” means there is a fellowship in the mystery of His presence. From this place of communion, faith is born. From this place of worship, we have eyes and ears of faith and obstacles are stepping stones in His perfect plan.

We can complicate God’s direction by so many questions, these answers seem so relevant and important, but God will supply each piece as is needful. His provisions will define our needs. Psalms 23:1-3: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake”. As we learn to walk with Him, His purpose will be fulfilled in us. Habakkuk 2:3: “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Our prayer is, “Lord, please lead us deeper and cause us not to get ahead of you in our minds. Your plan and timing are perfect! Amen.”

Andrew Murray was a man of prayer. He often sought the Lord for direction in his life. He wrote this piece of wisdom in 1901 on waiting and working:

  • It is only as God works for me, and in me, that I can work for Him.
  • His work for me is through His life in me.
  • He will most surely work, as I wait on Him.
  • His working for me and my waiting on Him has but one aim—to fit me for His work of saving men.

We are More Than Hunters

Hunters are calculated and methodical to get their animal of choice. Need and impulse drive them.  Are we letting need move us or are we allowing the Holy Spirit to add to our lives? Steps of faith move us along in love. Jesus was moved with compassion and not only need as He ministered to others in Matthew 14:14. Often, He stopped and waited for His Father’s leading. He would move slow so He wouldn’t miss the smallest of opportunities. He would launch out with speed to be one step ahead of the devil. Jesus movements were motivated by his eternal love and plan. He would sow the precious seed, water the precious seed and reap the harvest of the precious seed.

You may be stopped in a holding pattern today. Know that God is always working. Maybe you are moving slowly and it feels as though the world is passing you by; the Lord is working. Or maybe you are moving Mach 2 with your hair on fire; be God-conscious and not task-oriented. (It is God who is working.)

God does the work first in us then through us for His glory. We are the Lord’s, the work is the Lord’s, and the consequences are the Lord’s!

The Pure in Heart will See God

Colossians 1:9 shows us that God will give knowledge of His will to those who wait on Him. Here are some ways to make steps forward:

  • Pray specifically about all that is on your heart.
  • Do what you know to do now.
  • Continue with what God has told you to do until He introduces the next step.
  • Master what you’re doing in preparation to grow.
  • Celebrate all that you can where you are now.
  • Avoid giving into discontentment.
  • Careful how you measure success.
  • Equip, empower and encourage others.

Recently, I have found this verse to be very inspiring in regard to direction. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 says, “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” The will of God is revealed here, that we would be in a place where there is a personal revelation of the unconditional love of God.

From this communion, we are commissioned in the right motivation. We are God conscious, not just task oriented. Lamentations 3:24-26 teaches, “I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.'”

Commune with the living God in thanksgiving and your eyes and ears will be opened to His burden and His way.

Now Prepares Us for Next

Don’t be in such a hurry to rush beyond where you are now; God is equipping you for the next season in your life and ministry. Learn all you can where you are and allow yourself to be seasoned and sharpened. Learning the lessons now will reduce learning the same lesson over and over. Solomon said wisely in Proverbs 18:12, “Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.”

Enjoy where you are and bloom where you are planted.

Is the Church Relevant?


Our faith is under fire like never before. In our postmodern world, in a spirit of neo-orthodoxy, we must intentionally display a clear message. With every institution under scrutiny, a popular question today is, “Is the church relevant?”

The answer lies in how you define “relevant.” In our secular age, we have seen many words “reinvented” to display a totally different meaning to fit culture and convenience. Looking at the church it may not be an obvious choice for trailblazing, but it is the life of Christ in the church that will shape our lives.

The church was not meant to compete with the world, but to rescue people from it. This idea of a “tailored-made church” drives a lot of churchgoers today. People often know what they want but don’t know what they truly need. The church should be creative but not at the expense of replacing the message. Marketing and gimmicks draw in people, but what will cause them to stay in the church? Entertainment may draw curiosity and interest, but in honoring the Holy Spirit and preaching the Word of Life, lives are transformed.

What is the Church?

Traditionalism is on the rise with a lot of young churchgoers today. History and formality give a sense of stability and trust, but is the message pointing to a living Christ? The original purpose the church is defined as “called out ones to Christ.” The name clearly shows us that the greatest purpose in the church is to help cultivate a relationship with God and share it with a lost world. The church is defined in 1 Timothy 3:15: “…which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” If we use it for any other purpose it can become obsolete and irrelevant. The church is the revelation of Jesus on the earth. It is a place where imperfect people gather around a perfect Christ.

Understood in this way, the relevancy of the church is timeless.

The book of Acts shows us the New Testament church in Acts 2:41-47. We see the example, attitude, and mission of the church. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had a need. Every day they continued to meet in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

The new testament church is more than an organization it is a living organism. It is alive and delicate. If only thought of as a business, then the work will crystallize and the glory of God departs. People are the most precious part of Gods church; this is why our message and approach must care for their souls. As we cherish God’s house as a house of prayer and honor His presence, miracles happen.

The church is a work of God, not a work of men.

Three Types of Church-Goers

In this impressionist age, we have a unique opportunity as the church to speak into lives with meaning and purpose. Jesus was the master example of this. He lived the same way He died—with His arms wide open. As the church, we must seek to understand rather than to be understood. Reliability and relevance are seen in genuine care and in a non-judgmental approach. We see this in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. The apostle Paul writes “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”  We are the hands and feet of Christ ministering patiently through the many layers of the human soul. The church is a place of compassion, empathy and transformation.

The multiple impressions and decisions made as a guest walk through our doors are staggering. The genuine and transparent interest and love portrayed speaks volumes. Learning their story and helping them connect to Christ’s life is the privilege of our mission. Their perception and concepts are dissolved as authentic love and truth are shown; they sense they are welcome and accepted. They are loved in their place like family. Our relevant and personal message speaks to their heart and answers questions maybe they didn’t even know they had. This divine initiation causes new thoughts and interests to emerge. As growth begins, they progressively discover their eternal purpose and value. We must resist the tendency to be like “the world”; to woo the lost through our doors. People are looking for more than entertainment or to be amazed by some show—they are looking for real life, love and answers. The impact of a meaningful encounter with God is revolutionary. Let’s invite, love and mentor those that are willing.

The Consumer

There is no perfect church. Often people hunt to find the best fit. Choosing a church like we would be choosing a car, based on preferences and how we feel when we are there is subjective and often misleading. Eventually, people get offended and migrate from place to place. If we take and consume things based on our wants and needs only, then we are stunting our potential growth. Growing in the church happens as we are submitted to the teachings and grow in obedience. This takes time and consistency to learn to bloom where we are planted.

Today, a popular concept prevails that Robert Bellah calls “expressive individualism — the belief that identity comes through self-expression, through discovering one’s most authentic desires and being free to be one’s authentic self. This powerful belief has weakened all institutions in society.” This sounds good at first, but—in the absolute sense—it is flawed thinking. If it is all about what I need, think and want, we are just consumers; we take what we need without regard to the needs of others.

The Hitchhiker

We can also be “hitchhikers”, selective and noncommittal, always moving around without real roots anywhere. The church is meant to be a generous lifeline that connects us to the life of Jesus.

Spiritual hitchhikers are like nomads, migrating from place to place without roots. It is easy to have this happen when we are not accountable. The average Christian has three different churches that they “dip into” for their spiritual walk. Thank God for technology and resources but who is personally speaking into our lives? Who is correcting us? What do we do when we hear a hard saying? How we answer these questions determines whether we are hitchhikers or not.

Will we “hit the road” or settle in and seek the Lord?

The Contributor

Everything in my life is affected by my walk of faith, family, career, and relationships can be rooted in me or in someone that is eternal. As we build our relationship with Jesus Christ we sense Him actively increasing in our everyday lives. His scarlet thread of redemption is through the center of life. We can be a monument of culture or trophies of God’s grace, both pointing to a very different entity. Culture is fickle, but God’s grace is never changing, it is the same yesterday today and forever.

The Problem

When we bend to culture and move away from reliance on the Holy Spirit, we lose something—our impact and witness. In today’s post-modernistic world, we see humanism which deifies man and underestimates God. Coupled with relativism which declares a personal interpretation to justify a lifestyle. This in turn births secularism, redefining terms to usurp absolutes and promote tolerance. How has this impacted the Church? The Emerging Church is born and an ecumenical gospel—without the cross and sound Bible doctrine—is preached. Through this progression, the unbeliever is desensitized to the things of God or in most cases doesn’t learn a clear picture of who God is and ultimately doesn’t see their need for Him.

Guarding the church against worldly ideologies is important in preserving the future of the church. One popular foundation is liberalism; me at the center. This system of thinking impacts churches were my rights and liberties dominate the understanding of privilege and responsibility. We are not to hide from the world, secure in our four walls, but our message and heart of love must be clear and powerful as we go forth into the world.

Here are some recognizable systems of thinking:

  • The end and means focus on securing happiness.
  • Egoism exalts the body over the soul.
  • Liberalism exalts the temporal value system over the spiritual unseen reality.
  • Hedonism promotes subjective belief that the goal is fitting the Bible into your life rather than surrendering to the Bible.
  • Pop-culture rallies herd mentality, this mocks the outspoken convictions and quiets the person, so they “don’t rock the boat.”
  • Personal expression rules over proven principals at the expense of logic.
  • Secularism redefines terms for tolerance and dismisses absolutes.

In contrast, the message of Jesus is life-giving. This message is one of a personal cross, where Christ at the center of my life, as in Colossians 2:13-15.

  • Sacrificing self-preference produces contentment.
  • We are not our own, we live for another who is infinitely greater.
  • Ultimately standing before a Jesus defines our decisions in time.
  • Christ is at the center of our priorities not sacrificing the eternal on the altar of the immediate.
  • Speaking the Truth in love without legalism.
  • No overestimation of self-importance, we are not the ultimate issue.
  • Hold-fast the Word of Life, our eternal purpose—we are God’s billboard.

Our Mission

You are important in the Kingdom of God. Your portion is part of every joint that supplies a healthy spiritual body in Ephesians 4:16. The church is a hospital, not a country club. It is designed to be a mission center for mobilizing the believer to be trained and sent out to serve, love and heal. Kindness is a powerful weapon that helps open the heart of the recipient and is a “tangible” demonstration of the love of Christ.

Our world is lost. Jesus is the Light that shines to those who sit in darkness in Luke 1:79. In the gospels, we see in Matthew 5:13-14, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”

People are drawn to the light and life of Jesus. Religion kills and complicates the pure simple message of Jesus. Jesus is the beginning, middle, and end of our faith—this is the glorious gospel. A dear pastor shared with me words I will always remember: “Our message of Jesus is our ultimate method.”

Preaching the heart of Jesus as an open hand and not a clenched fist, will draw all men. (John 12:32)

Our mission affords us to be gatherers and educators of Jesus. Complications and pain arise as we make our mission about ourselves. We must not gather around personalities or a “celebrity Christianity” but around an old rugged cross where we die and Christ reigns. The psalmist in 115:1, “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.”

The mission of Christ is powerful. The first letter in mission could stand for “momentum”—the inertia of an object that is catching speed as it moves. As the object moves, the velocity increases determining its ultimate distance. In missions, it is all about being moved in the Spirit. As we discover the “go” in the gospel, momentum begins to happen. Step by step, word by word, God gives the increase. Here is where the mission of the church is found in scripture: Joshua 1:3-6, Deuteronomy 28:13, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 19:10, John 7:38 Acts 4:12. Here are the nuts and bolts of our mission:

  • PREACH a clear message of salvation.
  • TEACH to equip ministers of life in marriage, family, and neighborhoods.
  • REACH hands to the needy.
  • SERVE our communities by being the hands and feet of Christ.
  • CULTIVATE discipleship, mentorship and accountability in our walk of faith.
  • SHARE our faith, going into all the world.

We are on this earth not to be like the world but represent the kingdom of God. One day soon we will stand before Him. Are you prepared? We are either impacting the world or we are being impacted by the world. To be in the world not of the world is our mission.

How do you see the church? Is it your lifeline? or is it something we could be critical of and have a “take it or leave it” attitude. The church is a gift and a secret in today’s cynical world. “Where two or more are gathered I am in your midst” in Matthew 18:20. We must all realize that the church is full of imperfect people gathering around a perfect Christ. Celebrate the life of Christ, celebrate other believers and be part of a church community where you grow and make an impact for eternity.


Spiritual Boldness: The Lion in You

I happen to live in Africa, the home of most of the world’s lions, but this is not a safari story. It is an important spiritual lesson that comes from the king of the beasts.

The Nature of the Beast

The lion has long been used as a symbol of courage, leadership and royalty. Over the years, different peoples have observed them and admired their boldness. These animals are so brave they will attack virtually any creature regardless of its size or threat. Lions will go after buffaloes, elephants and even crocodiles. For those who have been up close with a lion in the wild, you will attest that there is no animal as confident looking, as fearless and as regal. If you happened to meet its gaze, you would feel vulnerable. There are no traces of fear in the eyes of a lion.

So why is this animal so fearless? Does it come from its great strength and ability to tear most animals to pieces? That surely is important but I believe there’s more to it. I would suggest that the lion’s bravery is not so much in its ability as in the DNA. From birth the lion cub instinctively knows to be fearless: it just knows it is a lion.

If it was up to us, we all would have wanted to be born fearless, to have a certain assuredness about all the problems we encounter in life. To face them head on and not be overwhelmed by anything: to ‘attack’ our challenges and not run from them. I have news for you: if you are Christian, then you are born of a lion—the lion of Judah. That is not some theological statement with little place in the real world; it is a great truth that can set you free.

When you know your true identity, you begin to reflect it. The lion cub does not have to pretend to be brave; it just has to be itself. If it was unsure of its identity, we would see a different animal altogether. The cub’s identity is further developed by the other lions that nurture it. Now let me tell you a true story of a certain “lion” and a not-so-brave little boy.

Why We Fear

I was about four years old and my parents had guests at home. Once night had fallen, they got ready to leave and as we escorted them out of the house, I could see the dark night sky and mysterious shadows lurking in nearby trees. We bade farewell to the guests and they drove off. Before we could go back inside, something interesting happened. Turning and looking at us (myself and some siblings), my dad thought he could have a little laugh. He spread out his fingers like claws and opening his eyes wide, he said, “Can I turn into a lion?” Maybe it was the darkness outside or perhaps the fact that his hair and beard looked much like a mane, but all I can say is I was convinced he was on the verge of transforming into a real lion; I was terrified! I begged him not to and it only made him laugh—and ask the question again. He eventually relented and we went into the house. I was still not too sure about him though!

Well, now that you know how brave I can be, let’s move on to more important things.

That experience as a child was a long time ago. I am grown up now and I know it was silly to think a human being could become a lion. However after so many years, God reminded me of that day and gave me a revelation. He let me know that I was afraid at the time because I didn’t know any better, and that growing up gave me knowledge that showed me the truth. My wrong belief instilled fear in me. My dad was never going to become a lion but I was afraid anyway. So what was the solution? I just needed to grow up and learn the truth.

The truth indeed sets us free.

God’s Remedy for Fear

In life everything that makes us fearful points at our limited knowledge. I am not saying there are no real dangers; do not get me wrong. Nor am I saying we should never feel fear. What I am saying is that our deeper knowledge of God makes us realize we really have nothing to fear.

The righteous are as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1). Righteous here simply refers to those who have a meaningful relationship with God. And why should they be brave or confident?

The simple answer is that they know the truth.

When you know the truth, it sets you free from fear. How would I describe that truth? Let me keep it simple: God is able to deal with whatever you may face and overcome it for you. That is the truth.

The big question then, is why do Christians struggle with all sorts of fears even though they already know the truth?

I will ask another question: do we really know and believe this truth? Do we act like we should when we have a problem? Are we calm, confident and assured—yes, bold as a lion?

I don’t think so. More often than not we are afraid and pray in desperation and doubt. “I can’t help it,” you say; “I don’t have that faith.” Do not worry; you just need to grow some more. Do you see why God is so interested in our spiritual growth? We want him to keep problems away but he prefers that we stop letting them scare us.

There are over a hundred verses in the Bible that communicate the message “Do not be afraid” and there is a reason for this. God is saying, “I can handle your challenges but you have to believe because what you accept becomes your reality.” This is not something we can learn overnight; we have to grow.

We grow just like a child does; by expanding our knowledge. Our source of truth is the Word of God. If we do not take it in regularly, we can never grow spiritually. Once we’ve learned something new, we do not stop there; we apply that knowledge. We believe what the Word says and stop being afraid of everything. We trust in God and in who we are because of him. God’s Word is meant to remind us of who we are. He has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). That spirit has come because we do not have a revelation of the truth.

Let us strive to learn more of the truth every day. So that it can be said of us, “He lies down like a lion and who will dare to rouse him?” or, “She lies down like a lioness and who will dare to rouse her.”

By studying the Bible for several years, Martin K.M. has gradually attained a deep understanding of the Word of God and its enduring truths. He delights in sharing the Gospel with as many as he can and views writing as a great channel to do so. He has authored a number of books on spiritual growth and devotions. His works are characterized by a strong fidelity to the Scriptures along with the themes of hope and love.

He writes regularly at someinspiredthoughts.com.

Living in the Meaning


In sports training, there is a time when you hit a plateau. Your muscles get used to the routine and growth stalls. This is a time to change up the routine, introduce new techniques and bring variety to “surprise” the muscles through the plateau.

None of us like roadblocks or stalled routines. In our Christian life, we can also go through the motions and miss out on experiencing God. The common vernacular today is to “fake it ’till you make it.” This doesn’t always work; let’s talk about a better way.

Our actions reveal our heart. But when we do things without thinking and with no heart of passion, we need to put the brakes on and consider the “why” behind “what” we are doing.

Jesus made you with a free will. He wants us to follow Him because of love, not like robots. A personal walk with God precedes power with God. What is not personal to us we will one day forsake. We follow a personal redeemer.

Think about it: if we were the only ones on the earth, Christ would have still come for us! That is personal love!

In Song of Solomon 1:4-8, we see a picture of how a person can be drawn to God in a personal, real way and then drift away. It is easy to “take care of other vineyards and ‘people’s stuff’ but our own heart or vineyard we have not kept.”

This self-sacrificing mission isn’t God’s mission. When our output is more than our input, we are in danger of burning out. Intimacy happens when we are touched personally with God’s plan of redemption. We begin to understand His heart behind His action.

Going through the motions is when we do what we are “supposed to do,” but we do it without a personal touch from the Lord. On this platform, at best, we are people-pleasers. The question begs to be asked: How much is good enough and by whose standards? We will not always “feel God” but, as we “practice His presence,” we become more aware of His visitation. God wants us to walk with Him moment by moment more than doing great work for Him.

The great work will come as an overflow of fellowship with our great big God.

Need can only drive you so far; it can’t sustain you.

What touches God’s heart must touch our heart; this is the why behind the what that we do. How does this happen? Being honest and transparent with God is the beginning to going beyond mere knowledge and entering real fellowship. We draw near to Him by faith, and as we “hide His word in our heart,” we are changed into His likeness.

Live in the Meaning

In our secular age, the original meanings of many words have been lost. Preference and liberalism are the flavors of the day. Many of us want our faith on “our terms.” This can be very turbulent and deceptive. How we define the things we hear and see is paramount.

In our relationships, our intrinsic dictionaries define things based upon our understanding of the facts and our experience, rather than objective truth. Misunderstanding and confusion can reign in these environments. We have all accumulated knowledge through education, our upbringing and other life experiences. Though this knowledge is valuable, it is limited.

We must go deeper. This is where we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for “deeper” is not a place we can find on our own.

Jesus wants us to go beyond what we think and know and enter a mystery.

This may sound cryptic, but here is where God shows up! Life limited to definitions is not enough! It is easy to spout off words and give the appearance we know what we are talking about.

It is living in the meaning that causes the power of what I know to be governed by who I know.

God is always speaking in a still, small voice. As we quiet ourselves, we hear more clearly the personal word He has prepared for us, the Word beyond all the superfluous words.


I believe this is one of the greatest struggles in the Christian life–experiencing what we know.

The practice of worship and meditation prepares our hearts to hear and experience God. Worship moves us into the power of what we know. I Corinthians 8:2 reminds us, “If any man thinketh that he knoweth anything, he knoweth not yet as he ought to know;”

Worship is translating knowledge to power as we give authority to the presence of God in our lives.  To amplify this awareness, we must ask this question: “Where is Christ honored?” We see throughout the Bible, His presence rests where there is humility, purity, and faith. As we build on these foundations, the kingdom of God becomes tangible.

Worship brings our attention to our Savior and we learn to recognize His personal word for our lives; “rhema” replaces mere knowledge.

Rhema speaks of the moments when the veil comes off our eyes and we see a personal glimpse of the meaning of truth in 2 Corinthians 3:14. It is one thing to read something from an author and quite another when you know the Author and He addresses you by name. These personal words strengthen and inspire great motive, energy and drive to pursue God and His purpose. We discover His devotion to us, and it inspires us.


In our deductive and inductive reasoning, we not only have our focus on what God said but also, what does He mean?  We can answer this question two ways:

  • General revelation is what we see and perceive. This information establishes logical and natural understanding.
  • Secondly, personal revelation is when what we hear and see touches our hearts through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Both are valuable but personal revelation is what transforms our hearts.

To illustrate this point: we could look at the ingredients of spaghetti sauce and know what is in the sauce. But when we taste it, we enter understanding of the sauce—delicious!

Understanding happens as we pass through knowledge and live in the meaning.

The more attention we give personal revelation, the more we catch a clear glimpse of what the Author is saying and the more we discover His heart. Often, we remember what is personal; it touches our hearts. When Jesus said Mary’s name at the tomb, that is when she knew it was Jesus and she called Him Lord! She was comforted and strengthened.


Meditation brings resident knowledge of absolute truth or promises to the forefront of our minds. We begin to fellowship with the Promiser. Here comes the revelation of the building blocks of why we believe what we believe. We ponder and muse and enter the mood of what we know and possess. We become possessors rather than mere professors. It is easy to talk a good game, but when the rubber meets the road what we really possess will be made evident.

As meditation progresses, reflection is produced, and we begin to examine and learn personally what we have stored in our hearts. We begin to scrutinize and examine knowledge as though our life depended on it. This, in turn, creates rhema—a personal revelation from God for our lives. Doubt and questions are okay if it takes us on a pursuit to deeper living.

To the measure that we “unpack” and relearn truth, that will be the measure our recall will release power. Reflection brings us into the image of what we are meditating upon. God is faithful to show personal wisdom to the student who takes the time to seek Him.

The longevity of our ministry and our faith is caused by our state of wonder and amazement toward Christ. This personal revelation will be fresh in us and our life will not only be changed but exchanged into something brand new! We will leave simple conformity and enter transformation. What’s happening? Our inner life is being poured out and affecting our outer life with a personal word from God for those we connect with.

Living in Rest

Rest happens in what we are doing; not away from the action. Personal rest comes to us during our ministry. We are given inner strength. This strength upholds us; not in the absence of activity but through engaging us in what we are called to do. Often, when we think of rest, vacation comes to mind. A retreat is another way to look at it.

Resting in fellowship with our Absolute brings our renewal and refreshment. We are strengthened as we function. There is an exchange.

The work we do has a source outside us, where we are operating and being renewed at once. The completion of the task is not as important as the journey of getting to know God along the way.

This determines the way we interpret what is happening around us. A sound mind is not the absence of bad thoughts; it is holding on to the right ones. Right thoughts are those that produce life and capacity—they are building blocks. Even in the most trying situations, we can tower with right thinking rather than cower in fear.

If we are drinking from the right source, we will be sustained in hope and Christ will replace our guiding fictions.

The inner stability produced by right-thinking affects every aspect of our lives. Our decisions and conversations are transformed into spheres of expectation and confidence.

How we interpret information is important; to organize our knowledge into a proper inventory reduces clutter in our souls.

“What we know” is organized through meditation and becomes active as a guard at our heart’s door. We pass from knowledge to life. We live in the meaning rather than just the forms.

Trials are designed to bring us over this threshold. However, our flesh often fights God and the process takes longer. God’s plan is that we experience what we know. Even the simple words, “I love you,” heard deep in our heart, could chase fear and produce tremendous inner strength.

Worship + Meditation = Communion

Communion is the consequence of worship and meditation. As we break the bread and drink the wine, figuratively speaking, we enter His life (John 6:63). We believe and trust in the provision of Jesus and His broken body becomes our food and we are fulfilled and satisfied with new identity. The wine is significant, representing the blood which washed away our sins.

As we receive Christ’s new life as our sustenance, we are converted. We believe in the Absolute, despite what evidence we see; we begin to take on the identity of the Absolute, by faith, and live in the effects of a new life produced beyond ourselves.

Through communing with God, our communication is transformed and there is a radical change.

This change can be seen because we are thinking about and interpreting the things we see differently, rather than just by sight. There is now a new dimension, one that is objective. This exchange of life teaches how to delight in grace.

Make Communion Your Purpose and Priority

Often, we battle with stewarding our time. Our schedules are packed with demands, but the value of the treasure cannot be told as we invest in reflecting upon God’s personal word. Inner stability and navigation of life decisions are found here.

Time is precious; we can never really manage it, but we can recognize priorities. Priorities are like maps, enabling us to choose the best way to use this gift of time.

For instance, the archeologist carefully removes the dirt to unveil buried treasures. There is no hurry, lest they damage or disturb the relic. It takes finesse to preserve the mystery and lead us into true discovery and true meaning.

As meaning is discovered, we honor the knowledge we have received and we recognize it for what it truly is. In reflection, we learn to slow down and let the words sink deep into us rather than rushing through to complete a task.

Saturate yourself in the majesty of God and discover the truth of Who He is that defines what He does.

Set aside time for God on purpose, He wants to unfold to you His heart. Let go of the methodology and technique to find God and just sit and be loved by Him. He will make Himself known and inspire you with His passion.

He is closer to you than the air you breathe.

How to Become a Christian (Next Steps)

Welcome! We pray you are reading this because you have taken an important step in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This means you are born again! (John 3:3)

If you have not yet taken this step, no worries. If you’re reading this, you’re seeking answers. This is way healthier than believing you already have all the answers!

Maybe you’re here because you were handed a Gospel tract from a street evangelist. Maybe you read one of our articles and followed a link to this page. Maybe you simply did a Google search.

Whatever channel brought you here, you’re obviously here for a reason.

What Must I Do to Be Saved?


If you recited a prayer you found at the end of a tract, it probably looked something like this:

“Jesus, I turn from my sin. I believe you died on the cross to set me free from sin. I believe you rose from the dead after three days. I claim you as my Savior and Lord. I now follow you and give you the rest of my days. In your mighty name, amen.”

While this confession is important, please understand it cannot save your soul any more than rubbing a rabbit’s foot can give you good luck.

Your heart-felt prayer must be directed to God or Jesus. You must be at the place where you are done with the brokenness in your life. You must recognize your best efforts have yielded poor results. You must recognize you are unable to save yourself.

When you direct your heart-cry to God and trust in what Jesus has done for you, you will be born anew. This is a supernatural, spiritual conversion. Millions of men and women around the world and over the centuries have taken the same step in trusting God and calling out to Him. Welcome to God’s family.

What to Expect Now: Tender vs Dramatic

Some people have tender conversion experiences. They may not feel anything has changed at first, but swiftly, they’ll notice the desires of their heart are changing—for the better. Things that used to burden them won’t weigh as much. Joy and peace will begin to replace sorrow and worry.

Others may have dramatic conversion experiences. They may experience overwhelming waves of love or emotion, find themselves overflowing with praise for God or experience a sharp increase in their desire to read the Bible.

Either path is normal. Trust that God knows what He’s doing in you and what you need in the moment.

Regardless of your salvation experience, there will be an eternal change. You will have a desire to do what is right and a hunger for the truth.

Jesus is spiritually living inside of you now! Get ready for an amazing journey!

While you’re wondering, “Okay, so how do I become a Christian?” here are some important next steps on your Christian walk:

Step 1. Get Baptized

believers baptism

In the Bible, the first thing a new believer did was to get baptized. What does that mean?

Baptism is a public demonstration of your belief in Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. It is the outward symbol of what happened in your spirit when you accepted God into your life.

Your old life has died and gone down to the grave. You are placed under water as a symbol of that death and burial.

When you are lifted out of the water, you are raising up to new life as a follower of Jesus!

Baptism can be done by a pastor or someone who has led you into these truths. You are baptized into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Your new identity is in God! As Paul said, “My life is hidden in Christ and God.” (Colossians 3:3)

Scriptures on Baptism:

Romans 6:1-18 | 1 Corinthians 12:13 | Mark 16:16 | Luke 3:21-22 | Mark 1:4-5 | John 1:29-33 | Matthew 3:11-17 | Acts 8:36-38 | Matthew 28:19-20 | Colossians 2:12 | 1 Peter 3:21 | Acts 22:16 | Galatians 3:27 | Luke 3:16 | Ephesians 4:4-6 | Acts 16:31-33 | Acts 2:38-41

Step 2. Read God’s Word, the Bible

read the bible

As a New Testament believer, start your Christian journey by reading the books of the New Testament. The books of Matthew, John or Ephesians are great places to begin. Read and meditate on the words. You can pray the promises in the Bible back to God. God is faithful to His Word, so praying Scripture to Him is a powerful way to grow in prayer and intimacy with God.

Read your Bible and use it as the standard

“Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11-12)

This clearly goes to show that we should be like the Berean Christians who would not just receive the teachings blindly. They went home regularly, searching the Scriptures to be sure the Apostles were teaching them things in alignment with God. They checked regularly to know if God had given such instructions as Paul and Silas gave them.

This is the most important tip. Whatever you are taught, ensure it reconciles with the Word of God. If what you are taught in any church (no matter the size or reputation) does not tally with the Bible, then leave that church and find a Bible-believing church.

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Ps 119:11)

The passage above shows us the importance of the Word of God. God is His Word. John 3:16 shows us just how important God’s Word is to Him. Psalm 119 shows us how important it should be to us.

Don’t have a Bible yet?

Start at https://biblegateway.com or https://biblehub.com. Need a Bible app for your smartphone or tablet? We recommend ‘Blue Letter Bible’.

Step 3. Attend a Bible-Believing Church

bible believing church

“When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God.” (Acts 13:43)

It is always joyous when children of God make their way to Him. It is always a wonderful thing when people confess their sins, acknowledge Jesus as their Savior and dedicate their lives to God!

The Bible tells us there is much joy in heaven whenever a sinner repents; much more than over ninety-nine people who do not need repentance (Luke 15:7). The blessings of God are numerous and are without repentance. You have taken a wonderful step towards eternal life.

Now—to find a Bible-believing church to be your place of worship!

Why a Bible-believing church?

When a you enter a new, unfamiliar land, you may not know much the culture. You may not know directions to available resources or utilities. In this new land, you may want a guide who knows the culture, the geography and the people. This is where a Bible-believing church comes in.

A Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church will be valuable for guiding you down the right path. The Bible tells us that, in the last days, there will be many false teachers and prophets misleading God’s people. Therefore, healthy Biblical teaching and fellowship is a must for all believers.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

“Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath’.” (Matthew 23:15-16)

These are harsh words from Jesus to the religious leaders of His day. Instead of going to a church that does not believe in the Bible (and there are many), your goal is to be like the new converts in Act 13:43.

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together.” (African proverb)

There is power in association. It is important to be gathering with people who share the same faith. When you spend time with others who share your goals and beliefs, you grow stronger together. The Bible teaches us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)

How to pick a Bible-believing church

As a new convert who knows little or nothing about churches and the Christian faith, this may prove to be a challenging task! No matter what you see or hear, the most important criterion is that the church you select must believe in Jesus Christ and worship the Lord God Almighty.

In Hebrews 11:25, we are commanded to fellowship with other believers. You will look for a church that preaches from God’s Word (free of additions or man-made traditions.)

Here are some tips to help you pick a Bible-believing church:

Interview and Internet

Conduct Internet research to find local Christian churches. Some searches you may want to do might be “churches near me”, “nondenominational churches near me” or “evangelical churches [your city]” (without the brackets.) Many churches will have a page called “Beliefs” or “What We Believe”. Upon finding a handful of churches that seem to fit, it’s time to begin calling them. Interview church leaders and pastors. Here are some basic questions you might ask any church you are considering:

  1. Is the Bible the 100% true, accurate Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit?
  2. Is Jesus the Son of God and the only way to eternal life with God? Is there any way to God or eternal life other than through Jesus?
  3. What does the Bible say the world will look like when Jesus returns? Do we need to gain dominion of the earth before that happens?
  4. Through our effort, can we alter biblical prophecy?
  5. Does a person have any responsibilities to God upon accepting salvation?
  6. How important is popular culture in structuring your services?
  7. How do you train and equip your people to carry out the Great Commission?
  8. What opportunities are there for me to join Bible-study groups or volunteer?
  9. Do you preach sermons that talk about exposing false teachers and false doctrines? Should Christians ever question anointed teachers?
  10. What curriculum do your youth ministries use?
  11. To whom are church leaders accountable? Has your leadership ever been questioned by members? How was it addressed?
  12. What growth is more important to your church? Growth in numbers or growth in spiritual commitment of members? (They may only select one!)
  13. What is the most crucial issue your church has faced? How was it resolved?
  14. How do you determine the spiritual growth of your members?
  15. What is meant by the word “Church,” and what is its purpose?
  16. What is the role of your church in social issues and politics?
  17. When do you believe life begins?
  18. What are your church’s views on marriage and sexuality? Please share scriptures that confirm your beliefs.
  19. How does your church handle divorce among your members?
  20. Do you believe Christians and Muslims pray to the same God; are Yahweh and Allah the same?

(Questions originally from https://standupforthetruth.com/2011/12/church-shopping-35-key-questions-to-ask-the-church/)

Eventually, it will be time to visit your finalists. Before and after services, go out of your way to meet people. Meet the pastor. Meet the leaders. Ask more questions. Tour the church. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you (He will). Eventually, you will find a church home.

Pray for God’s Guidance


God is your Father. When you accept him as your Lord, the Holy Spirit comes into your life. The Holy Spirit is our guide, our counselor, our friend and our comforter. Whenever you are not sure what to do, call upon God. Pray to Him and ask Him to guide you. He hears you and will order your steps.

Studying the Word of God and comparing it with the preaching at your local church is the ultimate way to discern whether your church is Bible-believing.

As you start upon your Christian journey, keep these tips close to heart. God will bless you and keep you on the right path! Praise God!

If you still have questions and would like to talk to someone, feel free to reach out to us.

Cultivate Wonder


The “Seven Wonders” of the world are God’s handiwork; the intrigue and complexity stretches our imagination. The potential of each moment can be realized through Wonder. In this spirit of amazement, there is such beauty; simple pleasures, fragrances and a “unique recognition” can trigger a fresh illumination.

One thing I appreciate about children is their capacity and expression of wonder. Total enjoyment by fascination, captivating them by a unique recognition of something they have never seen before.

I remember my son in the garden looking at flowers with me. We were looking at the different colors and he was wanting to touch everything. Then we saw a colorful butterfly land on one of the flowers. He watched it intently, it was as if he held his breath so he could concentrate on every detail not wanting to miss a second. His eyes were the size of saucers. The butterfly flew away, and the moment of amazement ended, and he was off to the next thing. We had captured a moment together and something inside me said, “Don’t lose your amazement! Life can get very busy and we can lose sight of the simple beauties of everyday life.”

Inner Fascination

This “inner fascination” can be cultivated by appreciating everything as a gift. Handling and looking at things as though we have never seen it before. We can glance at something familiar and think we have seen it all, but as we gaze and give attention to detail the beauty is unlocked. The gaze, instead of a glance, opens our mind and heart to a “unique recognition”. Be ready to be amazed!

God’s grace is designed to amaze us. Our earthly bodies would be consumed if we saw the Lord in all His glory. It is so far beyond what we can comprehend. It is a mystery. We see it only in a glimpse. Even in this age of grace, we see through a glass darkly.

In Heaven, we will be awe-struck with a full revelation of God’s goodness; we will be speechless with wonder. We will no longer need faith, for all will be visible.  As we seek His face, we are in humble amazement, eternal gratefulness revealed in a heart attitude of worship. His magnificence subdues our imaginations within, and all is in a holy silence before Him, no flesh can glory in His presence. We bow in adoration and we pray in His name, the name above all others. Our prayer is this: “Lord, may all see the display of your magnificence!”

In the Grand Weaver, Ravi Zacharias writes about wonder:

Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants the emotions while never surrendering reason. It is a grasp on reality that does not need constant high points in order to be maintained, nor is it made vulnerable by the low points of life’s struggle. It sees in the ordinary the extraordinary, and it finds in the extraordinary the reaffirmation for what it already knows. Wonder clasps the soul (the spiritual) and is felt in the body (the material). Wonder interprets life through the eyes of eternity while enjoying the moment, but never lets the momentary vision exhaust the eternal. Wonder makes life’s enchantment real and knows when and where enchantment must lie. Wonder knows how to read the shadows because it knows the nature of light. Wonder knows that while you cannot look at the light you cannot look at anything else without it. It is not exhausted by childhood but finds its key there. It is a journey like a walk through the woods, over the usual obstacles, and around the common distractions while the voice of direction leads, saying, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it’ (Isaiah 30:21).

Live life in the innocence of a child, leave all complications of trying to figure it all out or trying to control each component. Take the time and enjoy with an “inner fascination” and reverential worship the beauty of God. In the moment, let things penetrate you rather than skip over you. Discover your life through wonder.

His Presence

Being in awe over the right things is paramount. It is easy to give authority to the wrong things in our lives and get overwhelmed. Human reason seems so rational and pragmatic at times, but when we use it as a lens to understand God, we miss everything. Since when is God explainable for us to totally understand Him? Often, we are left to trust Him for the unexplained. Human reason shrinks God into our own image, our unbelief and fear dwarf him in our experience. But the true reality is that His fullness and power is realized by His presence, and not by evidence alone.

God is infinite yet knowable, our God is so personal because he has walked where we have walked, and he himself is our provision. In our crises we see Christ, and often in our messes, we discover a message from our Savior. He fully knows us and completely loves us.

The prophet Isaiah says “Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us,” in Isaiah 26:12. His perfect Peace that passes all understanding is promised to guard our hearts and minds in Philippians 4:6. Be aware and dwell on God’s greatness, and you will discover that He is mighty in your midst!

When Moses saw the burning bush in Exodus, he recognized this was not a normal sight. When fire consumes something it usually burns away to nothing; this bush didn’t.

Rather than walking by and dismissing it as an anomaly Moses stopped and “turned aside” to get a closer look. What Moses saw changed his direction and caught his attention. When God spoke from inside the bush it changed Moses life forever. The presence of God has unimaginable power. We enter His awesome presence and we are changed into His likeness. His presence can be manifested in a word, a place, a song, He can overtake you when you alone thinking on Him. As we are inclining our ears, we become more spiritually sensitive to what the Spirit is saying and doing. Brother Lawrence writes in his book “Practicing His Presence” about developing awareness and expectation of God and live as though He is real and present every moment of your days. In this divine discipline, we live a life of worship.

I love to walk on the beach. My feet hit the sand and the slimy plant life, and I can feel all kinds of sensations. The heat from the sun radiates to my feet and at first it is painful. The sensation is more than I can bear, because my feet have been safely protected and covered for a long time; they are not use to the sensation. As time goes on and callouses grow, we lose the acute awareness of the elements.

Does this describe your Christian life?

In time, we can have numbness and lose the sense of feeling and enjoyment. Insensitivity can creep in because we have forgotten the value of it. The beauty and the newness become familiar and predictable and the innocent connection is seemly lost.

God can bring back the newness to our tired souls. He can refresh us by showing how He thinks and feels about the things we are struggling with or thinking about.

Some ways to this newness are:

  • What does the bible say about what you are thinking about?
  • Will I submit to what the bible is saying?
  • Purpose to examine things in your life as though you have never seen them before.
  • Listen, as though you have never heard before.
  • Purpose to be thankful and appreciate people and things as though it was your last day with them.
  • Enjoy what you have in your life, rather than trying to change it.

Cultivating wonder is a spiritual secret. Prayerfully, God will bring us back to the way that He thinks about things.

When we are second, and God is first, we become as a child. Christ makes all things new and cultivates wonder and innocence, which brings back our sensitivity. Be ready to be amazed!