Jason Moore
$0.00 – $7.08
Our noisy souls often trudge along without rest in our daily routines. Anxious, tired, overburdened, and hopeless, describe the condition of the modern, driven soul. In the midst of our daily lives, we can have access to God’s presence in every place; at any time. A personal break-through can happen at any moment as we surrender to the Holy Spirit, discovering the beauty of God’s presence. This Oasis, where we meet God, creates a lush, healthy place of rest and growth for our souls. Meditating on His promises, releases a personal, prepared, and permanent rest for us. There are no short-cuts or quick fixes; our lives are made up of critical moments when we either choose life, fruitfulness, and peace, or we choose ourselves. Join us these next 90 days as we choose to abide in green pastures, and allow the Great Shepherd to carry us by still waters.