The Truth About Lying

the truth about lying

We have all experienced opening the refrigerator and meeting a foul smell. Something expired and now is becoming a “science project.”  Lying can be like this. Lying is subtle but, figuratively speaking, rot leads to stench.

Basset hounds have a keen sense of smell. They possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in us. And the part of a dog’s brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is, proportionally speaking, 40 times greater than ours.

Unfortunately, lying can become a natural practice in most circles of life. Half-truths, false pretenses even “beating around the bush” in our approach because something is hidden that we don’t want to be exposed. We want people to think well of us and have a great impression, but at what cost?

The most effective lies are those that are closest to the truth. Insecurity and fear can be roots to a lie. Not telling the whole truth—or “spinning” the information to work in our favor—can be hard to maintain. We will eventually be caught in our cover-ups.

Lying to ourselves is the platform of lying to others. Are you caught in this internal web?

Here are some indicators:

  • My desire is my greatest need
  • My needs will never be met
  • If people knew me, they would want nothing to do with me
  • I must act as another person to be accepted

The devil is a liar. There is no truth in him, according to John 8:44. The devil’s web of lies seeks to ensnare us, over and over.

What stops this vicious cycle? Our security in the unconditional love of God.

When we know what to say no to—it is easier to say yes to the right things.

In Philippians 4:8, the apostle Paul declares, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” What are you saying yes to? This will expose the truth or strengthen the lie.

Like Passions

We all born with genetic tendencies that can take us in directions we don’t want to go. Thoughts and actions come to our minds and we act out of guilt or fear. These “passions” come from an appetite of the soul. Once in truth, we can reverse and reprogram our soul. In James 5:17, we see Elijah was a man, subject to like passions as our own. Sometimes, when we look at people to compare ourselves with them, we don’t see that they are as weak as we are, with like passions.

It is by the grace of God and a surrendered life and intentional godly habits that passions can be channeled to glorify God. The reasoning in the soul must have a “checkpoint of truth”. Lies may creep in to preserve ourselves, but the truth shows the contrast and exposes the lies.

Insecurity can be like a bulldozer in the soul, motivating and overtaking us through guilt, shame, fear and the “degenerate passions”.

Thankfully, God’s love doesn’t leave us where it finds us! Thank God that Love is not an investigator of where we have been, but a spiritual guide and explorer into what is next!

Regenerated passions can be powerful, as they are rooted and grounded in the truth of who Jesus says we are. In 1 John 3:20, “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” This establishes a healthy perspective and keeps the real truth in the driver’s seat.

Let the chips fall where they may; honesty leads to transformation. Say yes to everything that Jesus says you are, and no to what the devil says.

This is the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but HIS TRUTH, so help me, God!

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Jason Moore
Passionate about reaching people from all walks of life, Jason Moore has been involved in worldwide mission work and discipleship since the age of sixteen. While living in Ukraine, he completed his internship in church planting, resulting in three new churches that continue to thrive today. As a graduate of Maryland Bible College and Seminary with a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, he leads the Pastoral Care team of Greater Grace Church in Baltimore, MD. He serves as a guest speaker in churches throughout the United States and overseas. With his wife, Leah, and son, Carson, he is dedicated to guiding people in discovering the riches of God’s grace. His podcast, Inner Revolution, maybe be found at and he may be reached through


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